Classic Benjamin Graham Stock Screener

Free Value Investing for Intelligent Investors across Global Equity Markets, as recommended by Warren Buffett.

This list scrolls horizontally on narrow screens. Automated data by Finnhub. Intrinsic Value limited to 70%. Graham Number and NCAV not limited.
Company Name MIC HQ Fiscal Year Last Updated Curr Code Previous Close Graham Number Graham Number(%) NCAV/ NetNet NCAV/ NetNet(%) Graham Grade Intrinsic Value Intrinsic Value(%)
1 Sidi Kerir Petrochemicals Company SAE (SKPC.CA) XCAI EG 2023-12-31 18 hours ago EGP 26.17 18.87 72.10% 3.09 11.83% Enterprising 17.96 68.62%
2 Egyptian Arabian Company Themar for Securities Brokerage SAE (EASB.CA) XCAI EG 2023-12-31 18 hours ago EGP 2.85 1.88 65.83% 0.22 7.69% Enterprising 1.51 52.90%
3 International Co for Agricultural Corps SAE (IFAP.CA) XCAI EG 2023-06-30 19 hours ago EGP 13.41 7.38 55.03% 0.59 4.43% Enterprising 6.97 51.99%
4 Alexandria Flour Mills and Bakeries Co SAE (AFMC.CA) XCAI EG 2022-06-30 18 hours ago EGP 21.06 13.04 61.91% 3.28 15.57% Enterprising 10.80 51.27%
5 Egypt Free Shops Company SAE (MFSC.CA) XCAI EG 2023-06-30 18 hours ago EGP 28.99 15.42 53.20% 4.25 14.65% Enterprising 13.74 47.39%
6 Eastern Company SAE (EAST.CA) XCAI EG 2023-06-30 18 hours ago EGP 21.00 11.81 56.22% 1.94 9.22% Enterprising 9.52 45.34%
7 Alexandria Container and Cargo Handling Company SAE (ALCN.CA) XCAI EG 2023-06-30 18 hours ago EGP 46.78 14.21 30.38% 3.58 7.64% Enterprising 13.45 28.75%
8 Zahraa Maadi Investment & Development (S A E) (ZMID.CA) XCAI EG 2021-12-31 18 hours ago EGP 7.65 2.68 35.05% 0.42 5.54% Enterprising 2.00 26.14%
9 Canal Shipping Agencies Co SAE (CSAG.CA) XCAI EG 2023-06-30 19 hours ago EGP 18.62 5.49 29.49% 1.51 8.13% Enterprising 4.34 23.33%
10 E-finance for Digital and Financial Investements (EFIH.CA) XCAI EG 2022-12-31 18 hours ago EGP 25.00 3.34 13.35% 1.56 6.26% Enterprising 2.90 11.62%