SerenityStocks is now GrahamValue

SerenityStocks is now GrahamValue is now Only the name and URL have changed. Everything else is exactly the same.


For nearly ten years, from Jul 2012 to Jan 2022, was run under the project name of

Consequently, you'll see GrahamValue referred to as Serenity Stocks or Serenity in various places; here on this web app, on social media, and on multiple financial portals.

For the curious, the name Serenity was a reference to the sci-fi television series Firefly and the subsequent movie.

Always Graham

SerenityStocks was always intended to be a simon-pure Graham software; as can seen from its earliest published articles and the original video tutorial given below etc.


Changing the name to GrahamValue was tricky, as the app seemed to have developed its own identity under the name of Serenity over the years.

However, there was no denying that GrahamValue was the correct name for the app and would be a lot less confusing for anyone coming across it for the first time.

So here's hoping GrahamValue continues to be as useful to its users as SerenityStocks has been all these years.

Logging In

Please note that only the name and URL have changed. Everything else is exactly the same. All previous links will now redirect to

You may have to log in again to use your account.

Your password will remain the same. But you may have to tell your browser to use the password, if saved, from

Thank you, as always, for your support!

Watch Video

Redirect Examples

All previous SerenityStocks URLs, social media accounts and videos (such as the tutorial below) have either been renamed — or will now redirect — to GrahamValue.

1. YouTube Videos

2. Facebook Links