Advanced Benjamin Graham Stock Screener

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This list scrolls horizontally on narrow screens. Data for GrahamValue's analyses by Finnhub. Include 30+ years of financials using Finsheet.
Company Name Ticker Symbol Stock Exchange MIC HQ Fiscal Year GICS Sector Last Updated Source (User) Curr Code Previous Close Size (Sales) Assets: Liabilities Assets: Debt Earnings Stability Dividend Record Earnings Growth Equity: Debt Size (Assets) Graham Number Graham Number(%) NCAV/ NetNet NCAV/ NetNet(%) Graham Grade Intrinsic Value Intrinsic Value(%)
1 Minasmaquinas SA (MMAQ3.SA) MMAQ3.SA Brazil - B3 BVMF BR 2023-12-31 N/A 11 hours ago GrahamValue BRL 3.00 199.36% 81.05% 2,917.91% 120.00% 100.00% 713.53% 189.93% 211.04% 10,977.78 365,925.84% 3973.25 132,441.67% NCAV (Net-Net) 3,973.25 132,441.67%
2 AllDay Marts Inc (ALLDY.PM) ALLDY.PM Philippines XPHS PH 2023-12-31 Consumer-S 13 hours ago GrahamValue PHP 0.15 2,038.78% 121.60% 463.16% 50.00% 10.00% 0.00% 513.86% 3,841.89% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% Enterprising 39.06 26,039.01%
3 Health Italia SpA (HI.MI) HI.MI MIV Italy XMIL IT 2023-12-31 Health Care 6 hours ago GrahamValue EUR 103.50 7.13% 129.74% 403.21% 60.00% 0.00% 0.00% 225.62% 26.98% 22,422.52 21,664.27% 11289.47 10,907.70% NCAV (Net-Net) 11,289.47 10,907.70%
4 Qianhai Health Holdings Ltd (911.HK) 911.HK Hong Kong XHKG HK 2023-12-31 Consumer-D 10 hours ago GrahamValue HKD 0.22 192.26% 240.24% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 817.28% 191.25% 0.00 0.00% 21.11 9,593.87% NCAV (Net-Net) 21.11 9,593.87%
5 Cocoon Holdings Ltd (428.HK) 428.HK Hong Kong XHKG HK 2023-12-31 Financials 10 hours ago GrahamValue HKD 0.61 11.30% 1,497.20% 1,962.40% 10.00% 0.00% 145.45% 2,219.79% 81.21% 0.00 0.00% 30.82 5,052.32% NCAV (Net-Net) 30.82 5,052.32%